Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 14, 2012

Sometimes in the moment of life it is gross and nasty but you know that one day (and probably the very next day) you will look back on a memory and have a really good belly laugh. That is what this photo is for me. We picked Reagan up from a party and immediately the car smelled of this awful stench. As we pulled out of the neighborhood I told Warren to pull over, I was pretty sure that Reagan had stepped in dog poo. Riley, SW and I were gagging from the smell and we couldn't get the car pulled over and Reagan out of it quick enough! Warren released the hatch on the Tahoe and Regs climbed out and yes indeed, he had stepped in poo. But not only that, they were playing football and he must have fallen in it! Seriously grossed out with my head hanging out the window, my FIL cracking up and Riley dry heaving... Warren proceeded to scrape the shoes off on the side of the road.  Reagan began crying because they were his brand new shoes and my FIL just laughed harder. I was irritated that you would have a birthday party in your yard for four hours and not clean up after your dogs first. 
We were going out to eat and had to come home to strip the boy of his nasty clothing and start the washer. We left the shoes in the garage and today I finally finished cleaning them. Today I also laughed hard when I saw them... the picture should be of our car on the side of the road and all of our unique reactions but this will have to do. What a memory!

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