Sunday, March 4, 2012

Feb 19- March 2, 2012

 Feb 19- finding the sock bun... love it! Pinterest is amazing!

Feb 20- My boys are so funny. meet the Terrorist, their shooting target for Nerf guns and their punching bag.

Feb21- My boy homeschooling in the midst of chaos with both his brothers home and not being quiet. He makes me so proud!

 Feb 22- homemade strawberry milkshake with whipped cream and sprinkles for my littlest man... delish!

 Feb 23- he loves superheroes and sometimes thinks he is one... i heart this little boy!

Feb 24- taking Regs to the park for the first time post heart surgery... a short but very sweet visit. We love the super big and safe swings for him!

 Feb 25- sorrow and joy all rolled into one. saying goodbye to our dear friend, Ken as he leaves for Chicago! celebrating the great things god has in store for this precious family as they enter back into full time ministry together but our hearts are so sad to see them go.

 Feb 26- my dear friend and fellow heart mom came by with a surprise for me... a special bracelet to remind me of her constant prayers for me and my boy.

 Feb 27- How can another waiting room capture joy for this mom? Only when three days later you get the call that your son is in remission from a cruel disease that has plagued him for years! Glory be to God for the healing that is happening in Riley! Tears of joy while talking to that nurse!!

 Feb 28-  Another Pinterest project... rolled up lasagna... super easy and super yummy! The first meal I cooked four weeks, I love cooking!

 March 1- Yes, I missed Feb 29's photo! This was Reagan's first time on the field and seeing his coaches since surgery. What a bag of mixed emotions for this mom. Overwhelming joy at the miracle he is and I can't wait till he can actually play and practice.

March 2- 82 degrees in Charlotte at the beginning of March... need I say more?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feb 12-18, 2012

 Feb 12- my boys all in my bed waiting for me.

 Feb 13- Scotty's kindergarten registration!

 Feb 14- Even a 12 year old loves bubble painting!

 Feb 15- More Legos from his Papa.

 Feb 16- We learned a new game and SW loved playing it with Mommy and Reagan.

Feb 17- Celebration of a new chapter in Ken and Cheryl's life! An evening spent with old friends, watching the love just fill the room!

Feb 18- He will only ever have this one best friend. There is no one else who will sit for hours and play games, build forts and do the quiet things while you recover. Trevor is such an incredible boy and friend! As I watch them play my heart aches for the separation that is coming but rejoices in knowing that they have a bond that will last forever!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feb 5-11, 2012

 Feb 5- getting ready to go to the family lounge to watch the Super Bowl with Mommy & Daddy.

 Feb 6- We're going home!!! Oh the joy that filled our hearts at the sound of those sweet words.

 Feb 7- home. sweet. home. legos. sweet. legos.

 Feb 8- I love when this little boy comes to the table dressed as a super hero.

 Feb 9- M&M counting and patterns with mommy make him smile from ear to ear. He knows when we are done he gets to eat them all!

 Feb 10- best. friends. forever. Every moment is so sweet as we count down the days till they move!

Feb 11-  playing football with his best friend, Zachary, in the yard.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

January 31-Feb 4, 2012

 Jan 31- Gifts from Big Scott for Little Scott brought much joy to the boy!

 Feb 1, 2012- Prayers from our best friends the night before surgery. 

 Feb 1- A date to Sweet Frog and Starbucks with Riley.

 Feb 2- Surrounded by love and support as we waited for Reagan to pull through.

Feb 3- Heading out of CVICU and into the Progressive Unit! One step closer to home!

Feb 4- Walking for the first time since surgery. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 25-30, 2012

January 25- too tired to dour normal bedtime routine, I let both boys fall asleep  with me. There really wasn't room for me in my king size bed with these two spread out!
January 26- Leaving Target with SW and finding this beautiful rainbow waiting for us in the parking lot. HOPE... I cried, like God was whispering, " I am with you and won't leave you." A moment I needed so deeply inside. 

January 27- Preparing for Reagan's heart surgery and making signs for his slideshow. I love this one of the biggest brother cheering on his little brother.

 January 28- time alone for a run... priceless.

January 30- Surprising Reagan at lunch with Aunt B's early arrival. He was so excited, what a great distraction from what weighs heavy on our hearts this week.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 25, 2012

Our neighbor and friend of the boys came to the door today with cupcakes made by his mom (she is training to be a pastry chef) and decorated in Reagan's favorite team colors! Incredibly unexpected and incredibly sweet. They were the best cupcake I have ever eaten!

January 24, 2012

SW loves to watch his brothers play video games... I love how he is laying right behind Regs waiting for a turn.

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 17-22, 2012

 Jan 17- A boy and his mama's iPhone... he loves it when I let him play Fruit Ninja. 

 Jan 18- A man needing a hair cut desperately! I love my hubs but this had Riley and I on the floor laughing and rolling!
 Jan 19- After school snacks... SW was even able to put all the sprinkles on! Yummy!

Jan 20- Homemade apple crisp... need I say more?

Jan 21-  A very scared little boy in the heart surgeon's office... his face brings me such joy!
 Jan 21- this should be what you see when you look up the word joy in the dictionary.

Jan 22- watching Wipe Out and cracking up... nice way to spend an evening. 
It has been a hard week but there is still much joy to be found!

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012

Seriously love my iPhone! I still hadn't captured a photo for today's post and the kids were getting into bed. It has been such a hard day and I didn't know what really expressed my joyful moment then I realized that it was Reagan seeing a pair of orange and black glasses as he searched for his new specs! Glasses fit for the biggest Orioles fan on earth!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15, 2012

SW is our JOY! He brings so much life to our home. I think our lives were pretty boring before he arrived in 2007! I love how he walks around in the winter with no shirt off and showing his skinny little waist! What a cutie!

January 14, 2012

Sometimes in the moment of life it is gross and nasty but you know that one day (and probably the very next day) you will look back on a memory and have a really good belly laugh. That is what this photo is for me. We picked Reagan up from a party and immediately the car smelled of this awful stench. As we pulled out of the neighborhood I told Warren to pull over, I was pretty sure that Reagan had stepped in dog poo. Riley, SW and I were gagging from the smell and we couldn't get the car pulled over and Reagan out of it quick enough! Warren released the hatch on the Tahoe and Regs climbed out and yes indeed, he had stepped in poo. But not only that, they were playing football and he must have fallen in it! Seriously grossed out with my head hanging out the window, my FIL cracking up and Riley dry heaving... Warren proceeded to scrape the shoes off on the side of the road.  Reagan began crying because they were his brand new shoes and my FIL just laughed harder. I was irritated that you would have a birthday party in your yard for four hours and not clean up after your dogs first. 
We were going out to eat and had to come home to strip the boy of his nasty clothing and start the washer. We left the shoes in the garage and today I finally finished cleaning them. Today I also laughed hard when I saw them... the picture should be of our car on the side of the road and all of our unique reactions but this will have to do. What a memory!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 13, 2012

I love how happy a pair of new shoes can make this boy. All decked out in black, and orange for his Baltimore Orioles!